#112 / 708 Staffing Agency

Phun for all

Premium In-Network Company
Phun for all
4.9 Overall   25 Reviews
25 4.9 Overall
25 Reviews
30.00 / Hour
42150 Washington Street, Bermuda Dunes, California, 92203
Tue, Dec 17 - Tue, Dec 17
1 person

Phun for All agency is looking for outgoing, sales-driven Brand Ambassadors to promote and sample a Wine. Attire is a solid colored shirt/blouse and pants with close toed shoes and must show professional appearance. DUTIES: Check-in with manager once on site, distribute samples and educate consumers on the brand/varietals, and complete a post-event report immediately following the sampling. Brand Ambassadors must have a portable folding table and black table cloth. Brand Ambassadors will be required to complete a post-event report with photos, comments, and inventory counts. We will reimburse for samples and cups up to $10 per event, receipt required in the post-event report upload. More information will be provided on the brand once booked. Cheers! **CA Brand Ambassadors will need to create a profile on Pop Bookings in order to be paid out via direct deposit. TO GET STARTED, PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK: https://www.phunforall.com/join-our-team