560 Montecito Center, Santa Rosa, California, 95409
Wed, Nov 06
Fri, Dec 20
1 person
Job Description
Ongoing events at finer grocers in San Francisco
Immediate Demos for 8 Demos at Oliver's Markets
Must Love Food!
Seeking Experienced Brand Ambassador for ongoing Gourmet Food Tasting demos
Please have your own table, car, computer, winning personality and at least 2 years experience in either food or customer facing positions.
Demos are 4 hours
Starting pay is 27.50 to 30.00 per hour depending on experience, aptitude and performance.
You will be in charge of:
Learning about the products and how to engage, educate and entice customers to try and buy.
Setting an attractive display table Engaging and educating customers
Improving Sales and Product Awareness (we are Sales Ambassadors!)
Completing Reports on all demos
Our scheduling, reporting and payments are all automated for simplicity. Payment in your bank within 10 days post demo.
Please email at carolw@flavorfanaticsism.com with a resume or summary of experience and a photo.
BONUS POINTS for adding a description of the best thing you ever ate.
Brand Ambassador
Must have your own table and basics.
Driver's License CDL
Fully Speak/Understand English
Brand Ambassador
Transportation Personal
Fully Speak/Understand English
Driver's License
The recruiter sees this along with your profile + contact info
Share why you want to work! Also, great news. This company has partnered with us where we automatically share your info in their applicant system. Less work, saves you time, and it's the same info they see when you apply in TH!