Promotional Brand Ambassadors is seeking experienced local brand ambassadors with off-premises alcohol cert to work a Range Rover activation at Deer Valley, Park City, UT.
Feb. 14 to 23, 2025
Tentative hours: 9a to 4p each day
Rate is $26 / hr.
Pays 1099 by direct deposit
You will be helping to check guests into a pop-up slope-side snow lounge sponsored by Range Rover.
There will be outdoor and indoor positions that you will alternate. Weather appropriate gear will be provided for you to use for this program.
Must be certified to check IDs, as alcohol will be available. Other duties will be to introduce guests to onsite product specialists if they are interested in learning more about the Range Rovers on display.
This is a local hire position. No travel expenses or lodging will be provided.
This is the second year for this program. The 2024 team had a blast!
If you are available and excited to be a part of the 2025 team, please email to
Please make "Snow Lounge" the subject of your email.
Please include:
1) Full name
2) Head shot
3) Phone number
4) Resume or list of recent brand ambassador work
5) A note that you are off-premises alcohol certified
6) Availability for all dates
Preference will be given to those who can make themselves available for all days.
Thank you!
Fully Speak/Understand English
The recruiter sees this along with your profile + contact info
Share why you want to work! Also, great news. This company has partnered with us where we automatically share your info in their applicant system. Less work, saves you time, and it's the same info they see when you apply in TH!